What to do if a child has a problem with math how does he touch math

Have you ever encountered the fact that a child cannot solve a problem or correctly calculate an example? If yes, and such a problem arose once or you face it rarely, then perhaps the child just distracted or overworked. In this case, it is usually not necessary to take any additional measures, but simply to […]

How to help a child learn math, common core math example.

A good teacher can always find a common language with the student. In this case, learning mathematics will become a fascinating process. A few tips for the teacher. 1.You can’t punish a child for wrong answers. If the punishment is severe, the student will not be able to do even the simplest task for fear […]

10 tricks that simplify mathematical operations for math grade 3.

Not so long ago, Lifehacker published a review of the book “Magic of Numbers”, which contains a huge number of mathematical tricks. The book did not leave us indifferent, and we chose from it 10 most interesting tips to simplify mathematical operations. Recently, after reading the book “The Magic of Numbers”, I learned a lot […]

How to monetize a customer base

Let us take it as an undeniable fact: even with a constant flow of incoming calls, the presence of active sales is necessary for stable growth. Asset #1 of any business, at any stage of development is the base of clients. What is a client base, in fact, is a portfolio of your shares. When […]

How to promote your site with articles

Let’s start from a distance: the typical story of a small business representative who decided to promote their sites or services through the Internet, meet Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones, like many others, is well aware that he needs at least a site to go online, but unfortunately, he is in the power of delusion, thinking […]

How to increase sales from the site in a guaranteed manner

With the main types of visitors to the online store, we decided in the last article, and in this one will talk about the so-called selling triggers, with which you can dramatically increase sales on their sites. In general, triggers have many translations from English, personally I like the most translation of the “hook”, that […]

How to improve your work in the department

Many entrepreneurs know what to implement CRM (or customer relationship management system in Russian) for any business. CRM system allows to process responses from potential customers more efficiently and turn them into real purchases. But it happens that at the initial stage there can be serious problems and difficulties. Because the introduction of CRM instead […]

How to Start Playing Guitar: Tips for Beginner Musicians

People have been fond of music since ancient times. During this time they have mastered many different musical instruments, which is why it is not easy for a beginner musician to make his choice. This article will be dedicated to those people who are interested in how to start playing guitar if they have absolutely […]

How to change the strings on a guitar…

Many guitarists often complain that their instruments get upset quite often and even constant tuning doesn’t help for long. Often guitar owners think that the whole problem is the cheapness of the instrument or hardware itself, but few people suspect that the strings are not installed at all. That’s why we decided to consider how […]