Have you ever encountered the fact that a child cannot solve a problem or correctly calculate an example?

If yes, and such a problem arose once or you face it rarely, then perhaps the child just distracted or overworked.

In this case, it is usually not necessary to take any additional measures, but simply to forgive the child his or her computational error.

However, if the child is difficult to give mathematics and he constantly makes mistakes in the account, then inaction can be fraught with increased problems. We need to help him touch math.

In this article we will talk about what problems with the study of mathematics may arise in children and how to solve them.

What to do if a child has a problem with math how does he touch math

Difficulties at preschool age (6-7 years) that need to be addressed
If a child has trouble counting to 100
Has difficulty in determining the number that follows and precedes the named number
Has problems understanding that a number can be used to describe the number of objects in it, for example, does not know that 5 can be used for a group of 5 fingers, 5 bananas and 5 cats.
Has difficulty recognizing and recording numbers up to 20.
Skips numbers when counting, can’t count in tens.
Can’t recognize images and can’t sort objects by size, shape or color
Problems in primary school
Difficulties in counting with step (+2,+3,+10) Example: 2, 4, 6, 8…
Impossibility of mental calculation of addition and subtraction within 20 with passing through 10 (13-8, 9+6)
Difficulty in recognizing basic mathematical signs such as plus or minus
Difficulty in recognizing children and number units
Doesn’t understand the term “more than” or “less.”
Hard to remember basic mathematical facts, such as 5 + 5 = 10, 14 is 7 and 7 (number composition).
Does not make a connection between related facts of mathematics (5 + 5 = 10, so 10 – 5 = 5).
Has problems recognizing the graphical image of the number.
Uses his fingers to count, instead of counting in his mind.
Experiences difficulties to write down figures accurately in columns when solving mathematical problems
Can’t say that the right side of the example
Avoids games that involve strategy, like checkers or sudoku.
Has difficulties in using mathematics in real life, including things like defining change in a store or calculating what can be bought for a certain amount of money
Has trouble understanding the diagrams.
If you have seen some of these signs in your child within six months, it means taking steps to help your child develop his or her computational skills, rather than turning a blind eye to the child’s difficulties.

You may not know exactly what causes problems with maths in your child, but there are steps you can take now to make learning easier.

What can cause problems with maths? As a child touch math.

In order to perform calculations a person must have a number of skills: abstract thinking, good memory, ability to estimate the number of objects, as well as the ability to think critically.

What to do if a child has a problem with math how does he touch math

There is a special term that is used when diagnosing a disorder of the count.

Discalculus (from Greek dys + lat. calculo – count, calculate) – any disorder of the count. Sometimes we mean only the disorder of the ability to count. It is often a separate disorder, not a side effect of other neurological and psychological problems. k-5 math will help the child to restore all the gaps. Dyscalculia is based on the inability to estimate the number of objects at first sight (i.e. without recalculation). This function in the brain is the responsibility of the parietal lobe groove.

Studies show that 7 to 14 percent of people suffer from dyscalculia.

This manifests itself in the following way:

The inability to quickly recognize the number of objects in the field of view.
The presence of high difficulty in calculating with numbers. For example, a person suffering from dyscalculia cannot understand why 59 + 13 = 72.
Presence of difficulties with abstract calculation of time.
Dyscalculia is not a sign of low intellect.

People with dyscalculia often become poets, artists, sculptors, and therefore do not have problems in learning languages or other areas.

However, children with dyscalculia have psychological difficulties with mathematics and school education in general. They are so worried that they have to count again and do a truly difficult thing for them, that it reduces their performance in lessons and math tests, reduces their self-esteem.

How can you help your child with maths?
If your child has problems with math, there is a lot you can do. Knowing that a problem exists, you and the teacher can find the most effective ways to build math skills without lowering your child’s self-esteem.

Here are some steps that you can take:

What to do if a child has a problem with math how does he touch math

Talk to your child’s teacher.
This is a great first step to finding out why your child is having trouble with math. You can ask the teacher for a list of skills that your child should learn by the end of the school year.

This can give you the feeling that there is not as much to learn as you might initially think.

The teacher can try different strategies to help your child form mathematical skills and understand the concepts of mathematical actions.

Use visualization for mathematical actions.
Turn abstract math on paper into a fascinating manipulation of objects. For example, use a fairy tale of a crow to teach your child “more or less” signs.