How to promote your site with articles

Let’s start from a distance: the typical story of a small business representative who decided to promote their sites or services through the Internet, meet Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones, like many others, is well aware that he needs at least a site to go online, but unfortunately, he is in the power of delusion, thinking that the site is the only thing he needs.

Creating a website, we can go one of three ways: we can make a website on our own for this now there is a huge number of free services, we can order a website from someone we know who knows more or less about this issue, or we can order a website from a professional web studio. With a site made “on my knee”, to work in terms of promotion is very, very difficult, so still advise to strongly order sites from those people who know how to do it.

However, let’s go back to our story and see what awaits our entrepreneur after the site is ready. The site should be promoted in search engines, because the fact of its presence does not mean that the buyers in droves will carry their money to Mr. Jones. What good does the site do if no one sees it? And here Mr. Jones gets into a stupor, because the promotion of sites – it’s a whole science that requires certain knowledge: he begins to study professional literature, sits on forums and blogs, visits webinars – understands the question and does the right thing, since we sincerely wish him good luck, because there is a lot of information about the methods of site promotion: it’s promotion in social networks, content optimization, technical optimization, registration in catalogs and many, many different methods of site promotion.

Personally, we strongly recommend some methods to ignore, for example, such methods as twisting behavioral factors, even if you are advised by so-called “knowledgeable people. After all, these are methods of black promotion and for them you can please the bath. Some of these methods we ourselves actively use, in particular, article promotion. And we advise Mr. Jones, too.

How does an article promotion
Let’s remember, if you don’t see this method so often, what is its essence. The purpose of the article promotion is to get natural links to your site. How does it happen?

Step 1

Writing or ordering an article – if possible, the article should be non-advertising, ie it should not be direct advertising, it should be an informative article, useful to your target audience.

Step 2

We place links in the article to the site that we promote, multiply the article, ie make from one article using special methods, techniques, several options with similar content but different vocabulary. So that search engines evaluated this article with a sufficient level of uniqueness, at least 80% uniqueness of each article should be. And then we place these options on the sites.

Step 3

As a result, we get the growth of positions of the site in the search engine output for advanced requests.

Let’s take a look at an example of how this is done. Let’s say our Mr. Jones sells “Very Needy Product” and wants to promote the site for queries “buy Very Needy Product”, “buy the Needy Product”, “Very Needy Product to Buy” – let’s assume that these queries have an average frequency, ie, from 300 to 3000 requests per month at the vordstat. Thus, the mechanism of our actions is as follows: looked at what visitors are looking for on our topics, found the average frequency suitable to the site, chose them, wrote an article.

This is approximately how the process looks like on a concrete example:

How to promote your site with articles
  1. We write an article, an informative “How to choose the right” Very Needy Product. We recommend small articles for article promotion: a maximum of 1500-2000 characters, because such an article is read and perceived easily, and search engines are also well received such articles.
  2. The next step is to place the article links to the site with the selected keywords, which we have identified in advance, “buy Very Required Product”, “Best Very Required Product”, etc.
  3. Then we do the reproduction of the article – a set of actions, the result of which is the appearance of a given number of unique articles from one.
  4. Once the article is ready, multiplied, prepared for placement, we send it to the Internet sites: the exchange of articles or placement and exchange with some partners and so on. The point is that the same article multiplied and its variants with acceptable uniqueness are sent to different sites on the Internet and from them are already links to your site.
    What result do we get in this case?
    Suppose you have placed 100 articles on the Internet, that is, 100 versions of one article, with each article is 3 links, respectively, you get (to be placed gradually – within a month and a half or two months) 300 natural links. These are the links that are considered by search engines. As a result, you get an increase in positions in search engines.

This is a classic form of article promotion, this method is used quite a long time and there is nothing fundamentally new in it, but the fact is that relatively recently this method has been refreshed with new techniques. Here’s something about them and let’s talk with the next article.