To do at any time of the day, soothes and warms, you can do at night. Lengthen your slow, noiseless nose breathing by breathing in the pattern in through the left nostril, out through the right, in through the right, out through the l

eft. If you are doing the technique early in the morning, your eyes are open. If during the day they are closed. In the evening – half-covered. For healing purposes, use Ashwini mudra in parallel. For the purposes of meditation – Mula Bandhu, Chin Mudra, Shambhavi Mudra and Ujayi, as well as Nabhi Mudra (all at the same time). Although it is almost not mentioned anywhere, this technique is combined with some yoga asanas – non-strength, static, for example, Virabhadrasana 1-4, the nostrils change mentally (this does not reduce the beneficial effect).

If you are sitting, for example, in Paschimottanasana or holding Sphinx Pose (Saral Bhujangasana), then you can change the nostrils with your fingers, as usual, to get the full effect on the physiological level. By stimulating the acupuncture points (marmas) in the nostrils, this technique regulates the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, bringing their activity into balance. This has a positive effect on the work that a person performs immediately after such an exercise. So this breathing practice is ideal to do during your lunch break at work, and generally more often during the day.

Lesson: sitting comfortably in any position (you can even in a car in a traffic jam), breathe according to the above pattern for 2-5 minutes. The session always ends with exhalation through the left nostril. For the purposes of control over vital energy in line with Yoga, it is allowed to accelerate the cycle and FAST breathing all according to the same scheme – as a preparation for subsequent meditation.